Perfect Prospect

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Who Are Your Perfect Prospects?

Let us reveal THOUSANDS of potential customers for YOU!

Zero-point Selling is designed to simplify your marketing efforts, leading to more “Targets”.

How do you find these “Targets”?

  1. Log into to LinkedIn here
  2. Type your current favorite customer’s First Name and Last Name in the search bar.
  3. Copy their Linkedin web address (It should start like this
  4. Paste the addresses of 3 of your current favorite customers in spaces below.


4 steps. 

Just do it. 

Once you complete these steps and click the “Get My Perfect Prospects” button we will use the power of LinkedIn and the Internet to replicate your favorite customers. (If you’re old enough to remember gremlins, it’s like pouring water on Gizmo

Gizmo and Gremlins both Copyright Warner Bros

Our team of data scientists will create a solid list of people you can start using in your marketing campaigns. Here’s a sample of what that list will contain:

Rethink Revenue Perfect Prospect Samples
Perfect Prospect Exercise – Sample Results

So follow the instructions. They are really easy. 

Give us a good email to send the fantastic Perfect Prospect results. 

If you run into any challenges along the way, reach out and we will help you. We love meeting people trying to push their Marketing activity to Sales Progress!

👉Help me fill out the Perfect Prospect form!👈

Tips, Hints and Trick to identify your favorite customers

Not everyone understands “Favorite Customer” so we are going to help you frame this thought process. We are going to ensure your marketing activities are focused on attracting more of the right sort of prospects, and that your sales people are equipped to identify the common characteristics of their highest-potential opportunities. 

By honing in on your favorite customers (Actual humans. Not just the no-face company. People buy from people so that’s where we focus our attention) and finding them on LinkedIn, we start the pre-qualification exercise. 

Yes. We know. NOT EVERYONE IS ON LINKEDIN. Don’t let that fact distract you from uncovering the people that are on the platform. By using LinkedIn as a filter for your future customers you leverage an approximate 700,000 person database of high quality humans.

Before you type in the “Search” area in LinkedIn let your good brain do some work. Not everyone who spends money with you is a Perfect Customer. We run into this challenge consistently. Do not think:

  • Highest profit Customers are Perfect Customers
  • Highest volume Customers are Perfect Customers
  • The Customers you talk to the most are your Perfect Customers

Perfect Customers are those people who allow you to serve them the way you want to work with them. When you call out your Perfect Customer, be sure you highlight that human you really like. The person your business really want to see on your client list. Like that fantastic movie from the 1980’s, Gremlins, you are replicating the person you want more of. 

Things to think about:

  • How can you avoid the wasted effort involved in chasing deals that are never likely to close? 
  • Company size, sector and location where the person works
  • Structural, behavioral, environmental and situational factors

Now go look through whatever system you can pull people in and look at your current/past customer lists. Think of it like digging up treasure. Open that chest up and pull out a few examples of your favorite gems, coins and/or precious artifacts. We can help you squeeze some more value out of the contents in that vault.

My Three Favorite Customers

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