Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions. We have answers! If you don't see the answer (or the question) you're looking for, shoot us an email and ask! 

  • What is Zero-Point Selling?

    Zero-Point Selling is our revolutionary approach to  rethinking how businesses interact with their markets, pivoting away from traditional sales strategies towards a more dynamic, information-driven model. 

    At the heart of Zero-Point Selling is the idea that every business transaction begins with a zero-point—a moment where outwardly facing information and opportunity converge. This convergence is where a potential customer first becomes aware of a benefit fulfilling a need or offering a solution. This awareness provides a unique opportunity for a business to project its benefits and  make a lasting impression. In today's digital age, where data is king, harnessing this zero-point effectively can make all the difference in capturing market share and driving sales. 

  • How do I get my company organized?

    The first step is setting up a CRM. But don't stop there! At Rethink Revenue, we help you strategize the sales process so you can reach record-setting sales.

  • Is it true the CRMs have a high failure rate?

    Yes! But this has nothing to do with the product, and everything to do with its implementation. Here’s why: every CRM company on the planet sells their product to a company, and those companies think that once they buy the product, it’s going to fix their “broken” situation. The reality is—a CRM is just the beginning.

  • How do I increase sales?

    To increase sales, there are a few simple steps you can take:

    1. Understand your customers: Get to know your customers, their needs, preferences, and behavior. This will help you tailor your offerings to their needs and create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with them.

    2. Use effective marketing strategies: Develop effective marketing strategies that reach your target audience and persuade them to buy your products or services. This may include advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.

    3. Improve your customer experience: Make it easy and enjoyable for customers to do business with you. This includes providing excellent customer service, offering a seamless buying experience, and providing quality products or services.

    4. Build relationships with customers: Build strong relationships with customers through personalized interactions, follow-ups, and excellent customer service. This will increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.

  • Why CRM?

    Do you want to increase your business's revenue? Have you heard of CRM software but haven't fully utilized it? CRM can do more than just manage customer interactions and sales processes - it can help you rethink your revenue strategies. By tracking and analyzing customer data, you can gain insights into their needs and behaviors, and use this information to drive growth.

    One way to use CRM to increase revenue is by segmenting your customer base based on demographics, behavior, and purchase history. This allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to convert. You can also use CRM to personalize interactions with customers by collecting data on their preferences and behavior. This can increase customer loyalty and drive repeat sales.

    Optimizing your sales processes is another way to use CRM to rethink revenue. By tracking sales data and identifying inefficiencies, you can make changes to improve results. For example, you can use CRM to automate administrative tasks, freeing up time for sales activities.

    Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is also essential for measuring the success of your revenue strategies. By setting and monitoring revenue-related KPIs such as conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your results.

    In summary, by using CRM to track and analyze customer data, segment your customer base, personalize interactions, optimize sales processes, and track KPIs, you can rethink your revenue strategies and achieve better results for your business.

    Regenerate response

  • What is marketing?

    Marketing is the process of identifying what customers want, creating products or services that meet those needs, and then promoting and distributing them effectively. It involves understanding who your customers are and finding ways to reach and persuade them to buy what you offer. Marketing includes activities such as researching the market, developing products, creating a brand, advertising, building relationships with customers, and providing great customer service. The main goal of marketing is to create value for customers while achieving the company's objectives, such as making more sales or increasing brand recognition.

  • What is sales?

    Sales can be defined as the process of generating revenue for your business by convincing customers to purchase your products or services. It involves identifying potential customers, understanding their needs and preferences, and creating value propositions that differentiate your offerings from competitors. Sales can be achieved through a variety of channels, such as in-person sales, online sales, or through partnerships with other businesses. To achieve success, it's important to have a strong understanding of your target market, including their behavior and purchasing patterns, and to continually adapt your sales strategies to meet their evolving needs. This includes developing effective marketing strategies, investing in customer service, and building relationships with customers and partners. 

  • Who is a marketing suspect?

    A lead qualified for particular marketing campaigns churning in the marketing process

  • What is a campaign?

    A marketing initiative, such as a direct mail campaign set up by groups to focus on specific information. You can track which contacts or leads were included in the campaign and who responded to the campaign.

  • What is an account?

    A company with which there is a current or potential business relationship. Accounts are owned by an individual user, a team of users, everyone, or everyone (view only).

  • What is marketing activity?

    A phone call, meeting, or other task (to-do or personal activity) that is scheduled and completed in Infor CRM.

  • What is an asset?

    A product that has been sold to your customer. Assets are the physical products the customer owns which may or may not be serialized.

  • What is a contract?

    A customer associated with an account that users interact with. Each account can contain one or more contacts.

  • What is a lead?

    Leads are unqualified potential customers. You can schedule activities for leads, include them in a mail merge or add them to a campaign. You can also import leads from a list.

  • What is a marketing campaign?

    Detailed information prepared for types of suspects, prospects and customers. These campaigns are created for focus on undiscovered accounts, suspects, prospects, partners for initial opportunities and recurring opportunities.

  • What is an opportunity?

    A lead or a suspect qualified with a future potential sale to an account or contact.