Business will never cease to be a concern for professionals, so long as companies sales plan to keep evolving. There’s no shortage of Marketing and Sales people trying to come up with business solutions that might help us avoid missing revenue projections. Some of these ideas seem pretty feasible, such as Marketing through a multi-channel approach or launching a CRM type organizational transition. Some are incredibly far-fetched and probably impossible, like an instant self managed Sales System. And then there are some ideas which are downright bonkers — but if true, could essentially change everything we know and love about selling.
Zero-point selling, AKA “The Lead Machine”, could be the greatest gift the sales world has ever received. It’s a byproduct of the fact that digital selling doesn’t really behave like analog sales, but like waves of target, suspect and prospect information reporting to a specific database. This means even the seemingly empty vacuum of the open market is actually a rolling sea of virtual prospect and customer information fluctuating in and out of visibility, and all those fluctuations require a strategy to capture it.
If there’s as much data in those fluctuations as some — though definitely not all — Business Leaders believe, and if we could ever learn how to tap into this phenomenon, we would gain access to an unparalleled source of leads. Zero-point Selling could power businesses with the strength of multiple suns, making it easy for us to solve every businesses lead challenge forever or to travel from Sales record to Sales record taking a place in the Fortune 500.
However, we can only guess how many leads are actually in open market verticals, with legendary business leaders in fierce disagreement on this point. Russell Brunson with Click Funnels, Ryan Stewman with Phonesites and Brandon Bornancin with Seamless.AI calculate zero-point leads within market vertical vacuums are so powerful that they even built software to specifically cater to digital marketing components designed to mine for prospect data. They swear a single cup of their lead gen strategy could generate enough business set most of Earth’s businesses Sales records. In contrast, Gabe Larsen theory of cold calling suggests zero-point selling dilutes business focus — spreading out low value social marketing throughout daily activity, mitigating time better spent banging buttons on a phone.
Simply put, we don’t know enough about all open market verticals to figure out whether zero-point selling — open market sale vacuum potential — really is a bombastic fountain of staggering leads for every business.
But let’s hypothesize open market sale vacuum potential is real, and it’s spectacular, and we could maybe one day optimize a strategy to tap into it for our evry business revenue plan. What would this look like for your business, and how would you use it?
Perhaps the clearest application would be super-deep data sets — the kind that could take businesses across the gap in current state selling to future state, predictable sales records. Michael Stelzner, Founder & CEO of Social Media Examiner puts out a fantastic perspective and report on a lot of this concept. He and a number of other Sales futurists are looking into developing new workflow and tactics which could theoretically produce gargantuan amount of leads by harnessing a zero-point sales systems based on a notion of data first. On the surface the idea is small, but if there’s a way to observe and intervene with aggregated information, it could work as a potential source of leads propelling companies with a life time of cycling sales.
There have been many different groups that pitched different ideas, but perhaps the most reasonable findings have come from Rethink Revenue, which claims to have successfully tested a lead machine over a short amount of time. This “Lead Machine”, as outlined by Phil Denton and Lee Autore, takes advantage of CRM as an accounting system for potential and current customer information creating an active repository with build in Boolean logic. In such a software, momentum in the customer information journey is created using segments of outwardly pointed content designed to draw in prospects from market vertical vacuum. Nevertheless, it’s quite clear this works in a real, applicable digital setting — also it can be applied to draw in those attending workshops, trade-shows and can be physical focused on particular businesses by address. Many more trials and rounds of validation taking place and being refined to really illustrate that a “Lead Machine” is viable in every market space.
It’s a bit strange to think that centuries after the advent of Advertising, Marketing and Selling the world will come upon a unified sales system, companies can identify universal leads stuck in the empty space all over. It would be a mighty grand thing to find ourselves grasping at that market vertical vacuums for an unheralded amount of leads.
It’s all within our grasp now. As the world becomes more connected and connected in the foreseeable future, it’s probably best to start understanding the path to digital transformation. By creating a solid source of truth and distinct internal workflow rules, we are poised to modernize Marketing and Sales strategy. This is a clear path to Sales activity leading to organizational progress on an annual basis.